
Document Typhoon Damages
Typhoon hit your town and you want to help? Go out, bring your camera, point and shoot, then log-on at and document damages. We need to better understand what causes wind-related damages so that we can prioritize research and ultimately design better structures in the future!

Contribute to Knowledge Databases
You can also contribute in other ways to wind engineering by joining a "virtual organization" at the same website ( You can add to the Wind-Wiki or suggest/provide content for the wind loading databases.

Adding Content on Wind.PH
If you have content to suggest/add to Wind.PH, or for any general inquiries related to wind engineering or to this website, please contact us at All work associated with the Wind.PH website is voluntary work. Donations are most welcome. For inquiries related to specific wind engineering topics, please post them as a comment to the appropriate blog article, or send an e-mail to